Monday, January 27, 2014

January Update for Apprentice Level

1. Clarification on the Arabian Nights: just read the next 8 stories.

2. Don't forget to let me know what part of the cathedral you are doing a presentation on.  Email or call me.

3. We are going on a field trip,... just come at the normal time. We are still during class. We will be leaving around 11 am. We aren't exactly sure when we will be back so if you need to leave early or right after contact me or talk to me before class. 

4. The bookmark for masters class is posted before this post.

Me e-mail- 
My phone number- 801-765-1343 

Master Level: January 2014

Name: ________ Date: ______

Twelfth Night
By William Shakespeare

List three new words and there new definitions:

1)      Word:______  Page#:____
2)      Word:______  Page#:____
3)      Word:______  Page#:____

Give a ten sentence summary of this play:

What was one of your favorite characters? Why? What did they learn in the story? What can you learn from them?

Draw a picture, comic, or bring a piece of art based of this play to show. Please also bring your copy of 12th Night with something you liked to share.