Tuesday, December 17, 2013

January 2014

January  Inspirements


1.Study the parts of a cathedral. Pick a part of the cathedral you would like to report on. Let me know what that part is. Then come prepared to share a 5 minute presentation about the part of the cathedral you learned about.
The parts you need to know about are narthex, nave, choir, aisles, towers, transept, façade, arcade, triforium clerestory, tracery and vaulting. (The part you pick to do a presentation on may come from this list but it is not necessary.)

2. Read the rest of the first section of Arabian Nights. We are using Andrew Lang’s 1918 selected and edited version: www.gutenberg.org/files/128/128-h/128-h.htm

3. After reading Arabian Nights, pick a story you like and want to share with the group. Tell why you liked it.

If you have any questions please call Sister Ballantyne before 9am the 27th of January!


1. Build a cathedral out of cardboard or paper of your own creation. (This means you can make a real cathedral but don’t buy a book and copy out the plans or get plans off the internet, use them for ideas but let the creative juice flow from you.)

2. Read the next five Aesop fables that would be 6-11 Starting with “The Bat and the Weasel and ending with The wolf and the Lamb”  www.gutenberg.org/files/11339/11339-h/11339-h.htm

3. Choose one:
-Write your own story to go along with Arabian Nights.
-Write a fable. The introduction to the Aesop fables has a good definition of what a fable is and what it is not.

Please always remember to call if you don't understand or if it is not working.

Master Class

1. Read Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
2. Pick a character you want to act out. Come prepared to tell the story from your point of view.
3. Fill out the book mark and bring to class already filled in. This means it needs to be printed out

Please always remember to call if you don't understand or if it is not working.