Sunday, September 29, 2013


Apprentice Level

*Read and mark Kick the Fear Away
From the Nov 1994 New Era

*Write a one page story from your life. This means it has to be a true story, about a time when you overcame a challenge. We will be turning these in.

*Make a soap sculpture. Go to Follow the directions.

Choose one of the following

*Write a short story (2-3 pages) on anything you like. This will need to be turned into me.
*Pick a sculpture from temple square. Tell me in writing why you like it? Why you think it was created? and have two questions written down to share with the group.

Journeyman Level

*Create a construction sculpture. This is when you put things together. So you might start with an apple and then use to raisin for eyes and a carrot for a mouth.
*Create a cardboard animal. Using cardboard, glue, and paint. If you have other things you want to add that's great too.

Master Level

Read the Robe by Lloyd C. Douglas
Fill out sheet that will be posted.
Come with three discussions questions. This means they are not questions that have a definite answer. So one question I might ask is: How did others around Marcellus help him become a Christian?