January Inspirements
1.Study the parts of a cathedral. Pick a part of the cathedral you would like to report on. Let me know what that part is. Then come prepared to share a 5 minute presentation about the part of the cathedral you learned about.
The parts you need to know about are narthex, nave, choir, aisles, towers, transept, façade, arcade, triforium clerestory, tracery and vaulting. (The part you pick to do a presentation on may come from this list but it is not necessary.)
2. Read the rest of the first section of Arabian Nights. We are using Andrew Lang’s 1918 selected and edited version: www.gutenberg.org/files/128/128-h/128-h.htm
3. After reading Arabian Nights, pick a story you like and want to share with the group. Tell why you liked it.
If you have any questions please call Sister Ballantyne before 9am the 27th of January!
1. Build a cathedral out of cardboard or paper of your own creation. (This means you can make a real cathedral but don’t buy a book and copy out the plans or get plans off the internet, use them for ideas but let the creative juice flow from you.)
2. Read the next five Aesop fables that would be 6-11 Starting with “The Bat and the Weasel and ending with The wolf and the Lamb” www.gutenberg.org/files/11339/11339-h/11339-h.htm
3. Choose one:
-Write your own story to go along with Arabian Nights.
-Write a fable. The introduction to the Aesop fables has a good definition of what a fable is and what it is not.
Please always remember to call if you don't understand or if it is not working.
Master Class
1. Read Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
2. Pick a character you want to act out. Come prepared to tell the story from your point of view.
3. Fill out the book mark and bring to class already filled in. This means it needs to be printed out
Please always remember to call if you don't understand or if it is not working.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
November Inspirements
Read the first three sections of Arabian Nights. The
“Introduction”, the section called “Arabians Nights” and the
section called ‘The Story of the Merchant and the Genius.”
At: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/128/128-h/128-h.htm
reading further write how you think the story will turn out. I am
expecting this to be in essay form. Email this to me by Nov 30,
2013. Tball765@q.com and
bring a printed out paper to class to turn in.
do a word study on the word ‘honor.’ This will be handed in after
we discuss honor in class.
2. Watch Cimabue's Santa Trinita Madonna & Giotto's Ognissanti Madonna
paintings are compared and contrasted. Take a piece of
paper and make a T- chart. On the top left side write Cimabue. On
the right hand side write Giotto. Then list how they are
the same or different. When you are listing the similarities and
differences they should be listed straight of each other. Bring
to class, completed, to turn in.
Giotto Cimabue
prophets are amongst the The
prophets are on the bottom in windows .
1. Watch how a fresco was done. Michelangelo's fresco painting technique demonstration from a NOVA episode.
2. Next watch ‘Making Practice Lime Putty for Fresco Painting’
a one page story from one of your favorite days. I don’t
want a list of what you did. I want a narrative- which
means a story. Tell it from someone’s view, yours, a fly
on the wall, an outsider or anyone else. Bring to class to turn in.
Read the first five of Aesop’s fables
at http://www.gutenberg.org/files/11339/11339-h/11339-h.htm
you read each of these (which are super short) Write in your own
words what is the human trait being portrayed.
Read Shakespear’s Midsummer’s Night Dream
Make a T-chart about four main characters and turn in during master
Fill out bookmark and bring to class to turn in.
Come prepared to act out portions of the play.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Master Class: Bookmark for The Robe
The Robe
By Lloyd C. Douglas
Who was your favorite character in this book and why?
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How did Christ have and effect on that person?
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What did you think of how Marcelles took over the fort in Minoa?
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How did Demetrius help Marcelles?
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Draw a picture about or make a comic from the Robe bring it to class with you.
Give a summary of the Robe
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ _________________
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Apprentice Level
*Read and mark Kick the Fear Away
From the Nov 1994 New Era
*Write a one page story from your life. This means it has to be a true story, about a time when you overcame a challenge. We will be turning these in.
*Make a soap sculpture. Go to Wikihow.com/Make-a-soap- carving. Follow the directions.
Choose one of the following
*Write a short story (2-3 pages) on anything you like. This will need to be turned into me.
*Pick a sculpture from temple square. Tell me in writing why you like it? Why you think it was created? and have two questions written down to share with the group.
Journeyman Level
*Create a construction sculpture. This is when you put things together. So you might start with an apple and then use to raisin for eyes and a carrot for a mouth.
*Create a cardboard animal. Using cardboard, glue, and paint. If you have other things you want to add that's great too.
Master Level
Read the Robe by Lloyd C. Douglas
Fill out sheet that will be posted.
Come with three discussions questions. This means they are not questions that have a definite answer. So one question I might ask is: How did others around Marcellus help him become a Christian?
Friday, August 9, 2013
:) Apprentice, Journeyman, and Mater Classes
Class-Doctrine-Why or knowledge- mind
all the word to hymn # 113. Our Savior's Love
or listen to Little Things Count by Elder Wirthlin.
about John Sebastian Bach in Stories of Great Musicians
is the book just scroll down to page 6 and read through page 16)
4. Read
Why the Sea is salt at
AND then
do One or more of the following:
- In Little Things Count, Elder Wirthlin talks of the things in our lives, think of your life and find one little thing in nature or recreation that matters to you and then write, draw, or play an instrument that shows how you felt and the strength you gained as you do one little thing. Write your feelings in your reflection Journal. Be prepared to share with all the other youth.
- Find a favorite song by John Sebastian Bach. Play a portion of it in class (on an instrument or a recording). Record in your reflection journal why it speaks to you, what are your thoughts as you listen to this selection of music. Then come prepared to tell us why you liked it.
- Do a word study on recreation. Than find what you need to do to strengthen your personal life and how you recreate using prayer, going to the temple, and/or scripture study and set goals on how to improve your time and life while you enjoy recreation. By setting goals you are actually going to write them down. Goals must be measurable and attainable.
- In Hymn #113, pick a phrase and write a poem, write a story, or draw/paint a picture of what that mean to you. Be prepared to share with all the other youth.
this video about Albrect Durer at
2. Find
one poem of Emily Dickens that you can relate to.
3. Try this etching processes:
- Mix black paint and dish soap together in a small container in a 1:1 ratio, I used the little paper bowls you use to make muffins in. The more soap you add the runner it will be.
- Glue a piece of tin-foil to a piece of cardboard, card stock, or other sturdy thing.
- Paint the tin-foil using the soap/paint mixture. Cover the whole thing. Allow to dry.This can take a very long time, to speed up the process I used a hair dryer. The tin foil curled but I smoothed it out and once cooled it returned to it's previous shape.
- Use a nail, pin, or other small object to trace a design picture onto the etching. Try using different materials to create different affects. Bring the finished product to class.
- Once your etching is finished be careful things can rub against it and smear your etching. Eliza Ballantyne
AND then
do one of the following:
- Memorize and preform one of Emily Dickens poems. Write this poem and why you like it in your reflections journal. Then explain the poem I your own words.
- Make a self portrait.
- Find a favorite painting by Durer. You draw or paint what he drew and share why you like it.
Read the
Merchant of Venice and fill out the page below. Please copy in between the dotted lines and print out. Bring it to class.
_______________________________________ ______________________________
_______________________________________ ______________________________
Title Author
Main Characters:
Pick a favorite scene and explain
feel free to email me or call me if you have any questions. Belinda
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Classes begin in September
Stay tuned for more info. This is going to be great!
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